I.T. and multimedia

The fields of I.T. and multimedia occupy an increasingly important role in our society: few things can be done these days without a computer or other electronic equipment. With this in mind, Melting Words has opted to embrace this trend, with the provision of translations of user manuals, specification, and instructions for products such as accessories for smartphones, tablets, and computers, and products related to electronic equipment in general.
Industry and technology

Translations in the field of industry and technology must be carried out with particular precision in respect of form, adhering to a rigorous methodology, but also in terms of content, with the selection of linguists with a thorough understanding of the terminologies involved. To ensure accuracy and clarity, an understanding of the technical context is essential, as is consistency. We translate user manuals, technical manuals, technical specifications, technical sales brochures, safety standards, ISO standards, and technical descriptions, for example.